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Main mark in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2022-06-06Updated:2022-06-06
Similar words: mainmastchain mailthin marketvirgin maryrainmakerrainmakingmountain manmain memory
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(1) Main mark is high ground liberated productivity, development productivity.
(2) The main mark for the classification of the bag - house is the dust cleaning method.
(3) Haven function is the main mark of international shipping center.
(4) Course construction level is the main mark for the university.
(5) Women's participation in politics is a main mark to realize the status equality be- tween men and women.
(6) Inappropriate formulation, Which the main mark of the precision of triangular prism is the verticality error[], is corrected by discussion.
(7) Migration phase state is the main mark of the character of migration.
(8) The " main mark" represents a man running along the outline of the earth, spreading the spirit of the Games.
(9) Course development level is the main mark of quality of colleges and universities and level.
(10) Surge water amount of tunnel is the main mark of evaluating the complex degree of tunnel water filling condition, and the major basis of drainage design.
(11) Educational wisdom is the main mark of the teacher"s professional quality. Educational ability considers creation as its core."
(12) Tourism-hotel was the foundation of the tourism industry's development. Its industry concentration degree was the main mark of the hotel industry's growing.
(13) Chemical fertilizer is the important measure of improving crop yield and is the main mark of modern agricultural civilization.
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